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Hollywood_FX_Gold_Plugin Vidio

About three years ago Pinnacle Systems fatefully decided to end its lucrative relationship with Adobe, and its hardware and software support for Premiere. Part of that was not even updating their popular Hollywood FX transitions plug-ins to work in the new Premiere Pro. Pinnacle System’s thinking was if their customers couldn’t use the Hollywood FX plugins in Premiere Pro, they would switch to Pinnacle’s Liquid Edition, where they did work. Well as we know, that plan was a dismal failure. It angered a lot of loyal customers, dealers and anyone else who had to deal with Pinnacle Systems. In 2005 Avid Technology purchased Pinnacle Systems. If you are one of those Hollywood FX customers who was left out in the cold, here is the solution. FYI this procedure may work with other plug-ins. I have also used this procedure with Smartsounds Quicktracks and Granger FX before they had there new installer programs to make them work with Premiere Pro 1 – 2.0.


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