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Naked Gun

When Frank arrives home for his "special evening," there's an old portrait hanging next to the front door. A few minutes later when Jane leaves, it's a similar, but different, portrait.Quotes:[during prison riot]Rocko Dillon: I've been watching you McGurke. You handle yourself really good.Frank Drebin: Really well.Rocko Dillon: Whatever.Jane Spencer: Now I know why Ed's been calling every half hour. You've been back on a case, haven't you?Frank Drebin: No, no, I swear, it's another woman.Jane Spencer: In your wildest dreams.[Frank Drebin is stopped at the entrance to the Oscars]Frank Drebin: Sergeant Frank Drebin, Detective Lieutenant, Police Squad.Guard: Yeah, and I'm Robert De Niro.Frank Drebin: Mr. De Niro, we've got to get inside.Frank Drebin: Like a midget at a urinal, I was going to have to stay on my toes.Frank Drebin: Like a blind man at an orgy, I was going to have to feel my way through.Tanya Peters: What are you doing?Frank Drebin: Oh! I was, uh, just conjugating my next move.Tanya Peters: Your bishop's exposed.Frank Drebin: It's these pants.Tanya Peters: You're all man. I like that in my men.Frank Drebin: You're coming on to me big time, sister. 

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